Youtube video details extractor app AIA File Kodular

Make youtube video details app using Kodular 2022

     In this topic we are sharing a project of Youtube video details extractor app. Basically we are using Kodular app inventor for making this project. So keep continue with this project for more information...

     As you know 'Kodular' app inventor is a free android app development platform where you can make android application without coding knowledge. There are many components are available for making different type of application online. Just you have to drag the component and drop in the creator screen, next set block coding in block section. If you need more knowledge about kodular app inventor, then visit our channel and watch video 'How you can able to make application without coding knowledge'.

Our Channel Link : 👉

          You need to know how to 'youtube details video extractor app' is working. First of all we are using an extension for fetching video data through video data API.

What is API and How to enable youtube data API for get data ?

    The full form of Youtube API is - 'Youtube Application Programming Interface'. API is a source, in which allows developers to access video statistics and YouTube channels data. We can easily get video data from youtube via youtube data API. Such as : Video thumbnail, title, description, tags, Viewers, Likes, Dislikes count, favorite, comments and other details.

    Before making this app you have to enable "Youtube Data API v3" in Google cloud platform. Follow bellow instruction 👇

1. Open the Google cloud platform. Click here for Google cloud platform.

2. Next login via Gmail id.

3. After login accept 'term and condition'

4. Next create project and choose Youtube data API V3 and enable the youtube data API v3

5. When you complete these setup you will get youtube data api.

      For more information about this topic, watch video from our youtube channel. How to enable Youtube data API v3. C

Video Link here👉 :

How to make Youtube video details app using Kodular :

     It is very easy process to make a Youtube video details extractor app through an extention using kodular. We designed this project in kodular app inventor but you are using other online app inventor platform, then you can follow same procedure. Our given project for only kodular platform. You can import AIA it in only kodular.

Basically we used some components for build the project in kodular. Such as :

1. Horrizontal and vertical arrangements

2. Youtube extractor extension

3. Taifun clipboard extension (for copy text)

4. labels

5. Buttons

6. Textbox

7. View pager

8. Image components

        We made a complete video about this app making process, if you want to watch video from our youtube channel CLICK HERE.

Download youtube video details extractor extension 👇:


Download taifun clipboard extension👇 :

Taifun clipboard extension for copy text from lable, button.


Download Youtube vidoe data extractor app AIA file free👇:

Click below download button to get free AIA file for kodular. After download it you can import it in kodular platform only. After imported watch video from our channel for block setup. CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO.

     After build this project you can upload it in Google play console for make money online. If you don't want to upload app in google play console, it can also come in for your won work.


     You can find Application development related, tech related, Internet and online earning topic from our website and our youtube channel. Keep subscribe us for more update from online tech support.

More information about this app :

    This project is not monetized. If you want to monetize this project with Google admob, watch this video for how to integrate google admob in kodular platform.

Link of our Youtube Channel (Online Tech Support) 👉

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