Application update error in google play console

Failed to update app in google play console

Failed to update app in google play console

        Hello friends, this is Santosh and welcome to Online tech support. In today's topic, we will tell you some problem solutions related to Google Play Console. As you should not face any problem while uploading or updating the application.

     When developers publish or update the application in Google Play console, they face some problems. Due to which developers get upset to upload the app to the Google Play console. Today we will share the solution of this problem related with you. So read this topic till the last.

Major problems showing when app upload :

  1. To upload an android app bundle you must be enrolled in app signing by Google play.
  2. You uploaded an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs. You must use the same certificate. Your existing APKs are signed with a different certificate with finger print.
  3. You uploaded an APK or app bundle with a shortcuts XML configuration with the following error Element shortcut is missing a required attribute android shortcutid.
  4.  You need to use a different package name because 'com.example is restricted.
  5. You need to use a different version code for your APK or Android App Bundle because you already have one with version code 6.
  6. Upload a valid app bundle.

Package name miss match issue in Google play console :

       When you are update your app and facing package name error issue, at that time you have to set package name in your app or bundle. First of all you have to go to your builder, if you are using kodular app builder, then follow procedure :
👉Open kodular creator > Select your project > Click on 'setting icon' (⚙) > Next click on 'publishing' > Next you can see package name. Next you have to write same package which is used in app in play console. See below image to more details.
Application update error in google play console

For Niotron builder :
👉 Go to the niotron creator page > open your project > Click on 'setting icon' (⚙) > Next you can see package name. You have to use same package name for app in google play console.

For Android Studio :
👉 Open the project in android studio > go to build gradle > then you can see package name option. Next you have to write package name which is used in play console's app.

Version code and version name issue when app update google play console :

    If you are facing version code and version name issue when you are updating app in google play console, then how to solve ? So friends, First of all you have to check current version name and version code which is live in Google play console. How to check version code and version name in play console ?

     Open Google play console developer account > Next click on 'Production' > Then you can see version code and version name. Check both version code and name.

     Next you have to go to builder and write a bigger version code and version name than the version which is live in google play console. Next export your bundle and update in google play console. So friend, You can solve the issue of version code and version name in Google Play Console by following this procedure. For more information visit our youtube channel and watch video.

Our youtube channel link : [CLICK HERE Online Tech Support]

Keystore / SHA1 Certificate error in google play console :

    How to solve if you are facing keystore related issue in google play console. If you are lost your android keystore and want to use new keystore for you application which is lived in Google play console, then you have to request to change to Google play console developer team.

How to do this ?

     Open the google play console developer account and select your app in which you want to change keystore / SHA1 key. Next go to 'app integrity' and you can see "Contact developer support'' option on that page. You have to click on the option for contact.

    Next a form will be open on your page, you have to fill properly in English language. After some time you will be receive a mail from google play console developer team. 

   Next you have to reply on that mail with attach .pem file of the new keystore. How to export .pem file ? CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO for generate pem file in Hindi.

   If you are facing keystore related any issue, then you can see video from our youtube channel. A complete setup video we already published on our channel. CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO.

Upload a valid app bundle error when publishing app on Google play console :

       Application is not uploaded in google play console after an update. If you want to publish or update the application you need to upload bundle in google play console.

     You can create an application in any builder, in that builder there are two options to export Android apk and Android app bundle. You have to export android app bundle for update and publish app in google play console.

     Friends, you have to follow Google play console's policy if you are working with play console or want to work in future. For your slight carelessness, your application may be suspended or removed from the Google Play console, so you have to upload the application keeping all the policies in mind.

     As you would know that after two applications are suspended in the Google Play Console, you have the last chance. If your third application is suspended in the Google Play Console, then your Google Play Console developer account is terminated with all the applications suspended.

     And you can create this google play console developer account only once in your life. After being suspended, another google play console developer account cannot be created in your name and in your details.

    So friends, I would like to tell you that after reading all the policies in Google Play Console, you have publish your application or game in Google Pay Console and generate a lot of revenue, there is no problem in this. 

    If you have been associated with our YouTube channel, you will get many helpful videos on Google console related and application development, in which you can become a good developer yourself. And in our channel you will get free AIA file which you can modify a little and put it in google play console.

    If you are facing any problem in developing the application, then you can contact with us directly on whatsapp, you can visit our youtube and the video you will get there, a whatsapp number is given in the description. Then you can contact with us in which you have to share the problem and we will tell you its solution.

    Friends, if you know all the policies of Google Play Console very well, then you will find it very easy to work in the Google play console. Some developers earn more than $ 1000 per month by publishing their application in Google Play Console.

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Application development and Google play console related topic and videos you can find from our website and youtube channel. Visit youtube channel and get more information.

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